Sonoran Living - Phoenix - Stacey Culver
Licencja #: SA670265000 - AZ / Realtor w Stacey Culver
Każde biuro Keller Williams® jest niezależnym właścicielem i operatorem
Moje dane
JĘZYKI English
CENTRUM RYNKOWE Sonoran Living - Phoenix

O mnie

Stacey Culver has been in the top 20% in her Market Center for last 4 years. In 2019 she was nominated for the SW Region Culture Torch Bearer Award! She serves on the Agent Leadership Council as the Education Leader for her Market Center. Stacey has served on the ALC as the Culture Leader and Productivity Leader and is currently Co-Leader for Growth. She is also the Productivity Coach, helping new agents build their careers! She is also a KScore Ambassador helping others get their license through the scholarship program that Keller Williams offers. Stacey is dedicated to her real estate clients, and she loves working with people with any property needs, be it a new home, rental investments, or selling a house. She works with first time home buyers, investors, those who want to downsize their home needs or in need of a bigger home for a growing family. Stacey knows very well the challenges of building a new life in a new area, starting with the perfect home, and her extensive connections can help you do the same. She prides herself in meeting with her clients and understanding their needs for their next home that will meet their dreams. Stacey wants to be part of YOUR home story!

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Coś poszło nie tak. Proszę spróbuj ponownie.
Stacey Culver
Numer licencji: SA670265000
Stacey Culver

Contact Me
Sonoran Living - Phoenix
15210 S 50th Street #130 Phoenix, AZ 85044

Stacey Culver
Realtor SA670265000
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